Happy and Safe Journey

"The local arrived on platform number one is twelve hours forty eight minutes twelve coach last local for Karjat", I heard the announcement from distance.
I was late. I decided to skip the bridge and jumped directly on railway tracks to get in the last train from Dadar.
While I crossed the tracks, I saw the train running towards me. The headlight of the train stared at me as if it was curious to kill me. I heard the horn of the train and felt as if it asked me for my last wish.
A step backward and I miss the last train to home. A step forward and I might be hit by the running train. I got completely blank and couldn't decide what to do.

The same morning I was leaving home for office. As I rushed out of the house, my mother spoke, "Have your food on time. Cross the road carefully. And don't cross the railway tracks. It's ok if you are late."
I almost ignored the instructions. I heard it daily from my mother. These words seemed like a lady announcing at railway station at Mumbai: "Please do not board into the running train. Boarding in running train is very dangerous to life. We wish you a happy journey"

"Sir, it's my best friend’s birthday the day after tomorrow", I said to my boss in his cabin.
"So?" he replied without looking at me.
"I want leave for a day. I have planned a surprise", I looked at him like a small child asking for a lollipop.
"Let’s see" and his phone rang. He started sweating in an air-conditioned room after he talked on the phone.
After he kept the phone, "Arun, we have an urgent meeting with our investors today. Only you and your presentation can save us"
Now he looked like that small child who wanted lollipop.
"Let's see", I replied.
"Hey you can go for a small vacation after today's meeting"
"Alright then. I'll start working for it"
People expect that a chartered accountant can do magic with numbers and convince investors regarding financial result of the business.

"Arun, it wouldn't have been possible without your efforts. Thanks and wish your friend a happy birthday on my behalf", said my boss at 12.30 AM.
I ran towards the Dadar station to get in the last train for home. I would have won a first prize even if I competed with P. T.  Usha in Olympics.
And now I was standing on the railway track. I couldn't decide whether to take one step forward or one step backwards. I just stood at the centre of the track. I couldn't move my body even after I tried hard.
The Train was just few feet away from me. If it continued to move at the same speed, it would hit me within five seconds and I would be crushed like a sugarcane in a machine. My best friends pre-birthday would become my death day.
I felt like a check mate in a game of chess. However, the fast moving train switched the tracks at the crossing. The wind blew around me and the dust surrounded me. The train left behind me making the sound as if it laughed at me.
I ran and climbed the platform. The last local had already started leaving the Dadar station.
Again I was left with two choices. To take one step forward and get in the running train or to stay at Dadar station.


  1. Replies
    1. Logical suggestion sir!
      Left to readers to decide.. :) 😉

  2. Wait at Station.
    You ain't a Rajnikant of Robot 2.0 to match the speed of local train.


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